
11 States.
1 week.
4,200 miles.

13422_1041906339156289_9040728749252071997_n 17901_10203950716196541_8558770955082602548_n 1517775_10203950719516624_7655804148609152800_n 10264450_1041905775823012_4520950524136979047_n 10325532_10203950714996511_2233433310730230426_n 10422337_1041907919156131_2556605893020898448_n 10439508_10203950714636502_428436368619125621_n I don’t believe you need a rhyme or reason. Sometimes I think it’s cathartic just do something for the hell of it. Why should you not use your tax return money to be stuck in a car with your best friend for a week? You can’t put a price on those kind of memories. You can’t explain the freedom that flies through your veins when you just go. Just do. I love that.

10995747_10203950715756530_2180422329064570500_n  11046372_10203950720396646_7836597899701147054_n 11051888_10203958255385016_4251881521035581413_n

Things we learned on this trip:

  1. In weird states, it is illegal to drive in the left lane unless passing…. and you will get a ticket. Even if you don’t know any better.
  2. Fiber one bars give you life
  3. Magnesium carbonate sucks. It’s deadly. That’s enough detail.
  4. Never pay $30 for a salad while in Nashville. Even if it is in the shape of a tower and is topped with Lobster.
  5. Gingers can wake up and start driving with out coffee. That to me is magical.
  6. Sleeping in the car a few nights will save you time and money. It’s a pretty good thing to do, but probably not two nights in a row.
  7. No matter how much you like each other, you will get sick of each other when your trapped in a small vehicle for days.
  8. Always have a road trip playlist.
  9. Be organized and clean. It makes your feel better
  10. Kansas sucks. Be prepared to see nothing for miles, including bathrooms.
  11. Colorado and it’s inhabitants are amazing.
  12. I will take my future children on the CogWay in CO to see Santa.

11064900_10203950714116489_6751634671664481511_n 11095330_1042196895793900_3595259240067856329_n 11102761_1042197365793853_2266757666857552765_n 11102808_10203950719076613_108290437363592997_n

So. There is a little bit of an insider to my adventures with Ginger.

All my love,


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